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Easter Salutations

Hi! Happy Friday peeps. I'm so excited to share my awesome Easter collab. kit with you all! Tangie Baxter and I have been online "friends" for a long time - I've been on her CT for a very long time! It's about time we did a collaboration kit, don'tchya think?? So - I proudly present . . .

"Easter Salutations"

I totally love how our styles blended together in this collab! It's so unique and fun. I'm very proud of it. Tangie and I both have add-on freebies for you, so make sure to read through the end of the post. Here's the page I scrapped with it. Some fun pictures of my nieces and nephews from Easter last year. It's a 2-pager!

I'm also releasing a new alpha today!

"Jellies - Alpha 1"

And here are the pages from the Britt Girls!

Pretty sweet, huh?? Thanks for your work this week girls. You're seriously the best!

Alrighty - here is this week's Show Offs Slideshow . . .

Thanks to this week's Show Offs! You're all getting my new Jellies: Alpha 1! Expect that email today.

If you want to be a Show Off, scroll down to the end of this post for more details.

Here is my add-on freebie for "Easter Salutations"! And you can get Tangie's add-on on her blog.


Enjoy! Have a wonderful Friday. :)