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It was wild & crazy!

Our Speed Scrap at MouseScrappers on Monday night went a little haywire when we crashed the site due to high traffic!! But. . . hopefully most of you got caught up & turned your pages in (I've left the challenge open for an extra day or two so everyone who got lost in the chaos could still get their page scrapped and receive the prize).

Here's what I scrapped and made the instructions from!


And here are a couple more LOs I did last week for the CTs I'm on.

This one's for Sahlin Studios. She just released an awesome kit called "Grunge" over at The Shabby Pickle, where she's a guest designer this month. AND it's also for Cindy Schneider. I used one of her awesome new templates.


Ok this one's not a LO, instead its a fun desktop I made for Tangie Baxter with her new kit, "Steampunk Bandwagon".


Disney has recently introduced a cool "Mechanical Kingdom" story with characters, books, pins, etc. I'm not into Steampunk persay, but I think the classic characters in new outfits are pretty cool looking. So I made my desktop include Steampunk Minnie.

And this one isn't for a CT. I scrapped this for a contest on Dani Mogstad's team blog (I WISH I was on her team!). It didn't win, but that's ok. I like how it turned out.


Ok - gotta run. I have a couple of digi-scrap friends coming over in a minute for a little scrap get-together! Should be fun!!