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guess what guess what guess what!

Hey you guys!! I have some BIG BIG BIG news!!!!!


Yes! We are expecting our very first baby!

We actually found out back on Josh's birthday in July. (Talk about a great 30th birthday present, right!?) We tried for 1 year and 2 months to get pregnant. It was a hard year of waiting, and disappointment. But we just had to have faith that it would happen and FINALLY, IT DID!

I'm 16 weeks now, a little over 4 months. (This ultra-sound was from our 12 week appointment). I'm due on March 11th.

We find out if we're having a boy or a girl in less than 4 weeks! RIGHT BEFORE I leave for Orlando! So yes, these two Disney trips in October will be be totally Thrill-Ride-Free for me! I'll have to content myself with Small World and the likes! HAHA But that's TOTALLY fine by me!!!

We actually just had our 16 week appointment this morning and all is well! They said everything looks great. We got to hear the heart beat, which is always amazing!

I do get SUPER tired and my bed time has bumped way up. Josh and I used to be total night-owls and were very rarely asleep before midnight. Now its rare if we're not in bed around 10:00. And I do have to take little naps here and there. My energy has been way down.

BUT - I haven't had any morning sickness or anything like that. I get a little bit of a stomach ache at night sometimes, but its nothing bad (I'm pretty sure its just gas). I've been VERY lucky. I get it from my mom. She wasn't ever sick with her babies either.

If you can't tell we're just a little excited! And I'm so happy I can finally tell you all! It's been really hard keeping the secret!

And, yes, you can probably expect a few new "baby" products from Britt-ish Designs in the next 5 months of my pregnancy! HAHA!! I'm sure I won't be able to help myself.

So - that's my big news. Probably the biggest news I've ever shared on my blog before. Pretty cool!

Have an amazing day!!!!