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we're back, but . . .

Well, we're back! And we had a GREAT trip. We only wish it could have been longer. We were having so much fun, we REALLY weren't ready to come back to real life.

So, yes, I'm back, but here's the but, I'm not "back to work" just yet!! haha!! I totally took the day off and was L-A-Z-Y all day long. Today's our actual anniversary, so I don't even have to worry about cooking. Josh is taking me out for dinner after his class tonight. It'll be a late dinner cuz he doesn't usually get home 'til 8:00. But I can't complain!

Happy anniversary to the sweetest, bestest, funnest, hottest, funniest, most amazing husband in the world. Sorry to everyone else, I got the best one! It's been the best 5 years of my life.