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mousescrappers is 2 years old!

Did you know MouseScrappers has been celebrating is 2nd birthday all month long?! I've been trying to learn how to be a mommy and a scrapper this month, so I missed some of the fun but I was able to squeeze in a few games and challenges! You should all go check it out before its over at the end of the week! It's a lot of fun!

If you participate in 15 out of 22 of the games/speed scraps/challenges etc that are going on this month, you get a big Activity Participation Prize Bundle. I don't think I'm allowed to tell you exactly what I donated, but you WILL get a couple gifties from me in there!!

Plus, its all culminating in a special Birthday Blog Hop this Sunday (5/22) and I get to be one of the stops!! I have a special treat for everyone and the other treats on the blog hop are SUPER cute too (I've had a peek or two). So make sure you check back here on Sunday morning!

AND, the fun just keeps on goin'! I've donated a prize to this Scraplift Challenge hosted by This Dixie Pixie. You have until May 24th to get your entries in and you'll get this prize:

Pretty fun, huh? The only way to get these stamps is to participate in the Scraplift Challenge, so go do it!

I've been missin' Disneyland A LOT lately. I'm SOOOO ridiculously excited to take Scarlett for her first trip this fall. Until then, scrapping Disney pics seems to help the park cravings just a bit. Here are a couple pages I scrapped last week for some MouseScrappers Birthday challenges.

This one was for the Cake Smash challenge:


And this one I did for the Bake Me A Cake challenge:


Anyone else out there dying to go on a Disney trip?? I suggest some Disney scrapping. It doesn't completely satisfy that urge, but it definitely helps!

Ok - the baby just woke up and she's hungry!! GOTTA RUN! Ta ta!