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nom nom nom

We are in full-on 'Baby Food Mode' around here these days. I'm way into making homemade veggies and starting yesterday, fruits too! It's such a fun adventure. And Scarlett is a GREAT eater.

Since we're so into the baby food thing right now, I was inspired to create today's new kit!

"Nom Nom Nom"

"Nom Nom Nom Alpha"

If the feel and colors of this kit look familiar, its because I made it to coordinate with "Signature Style".

Put them together for one giant mega-kit!!

I've said this before, but one of the perks of being a digi-scrap designer is creating kits that match your own photos. As you can see from my page, I was inspired to create "Nom Nom Nom" by Scarlett's first bites photos . . .

Here's the journaling from my page to tell you the story of Scarlett's first adventure into solids:

At just under 5 months old, we took the leap into solid food! Scarlett had been watching us eat our food very intently for a few weeks, so we knew she was interested. We got everything set: Covered her car seat with a blanket (she wasn’t quite big enough to sit in her highchair yet), got our spoons & bowls out, bought some cute new bibs, and finally mixed up the rice cereal (I mixed it with breastmilk). With video camera & still camera poised & ready, I fed her the 1st bite. She was intrigued. She took another taste. Ooooh this is GOOD. After a little confusion and squirming, she took to it really well. She actually took some big bites by the end. She’s such a fast learner! And she didn’t even get very messy. What a big milestone. I can’t believe how big she is getting so quickly. Too fast baby! Slow down!

Check out all the fab pages from the Britt Girls:

Can you believe the variety of pages they came up with? From baby food, to girlfriends, to Disney! My girls are the best.

Alrighty - what time is it? It's Show Off Slideshow time!

A great big thank you to all my Show Offs!! I love seeing your pages. You'll all be getting the "Nom Nom Nom Alpha" as your gift this week.

(What's a Show Off? How do you join in the fun? Read all about it here!)

And with that, I'll wrap up today's post. I hope you all have a great weekend, full of fun. Ta ta for now!