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How to Become a Wedding Planner

Wedding planner it’s one of the most interesting careers available today, even without a degree. A wedding planner performs a number of duties, before the marriage, on the marriage day and even after that. To start with, when a wedding planner is hired, she meets up with the couple, sometimes close family members may be present, and tries to assess the kind of wedding they are looking forward to. The budget, number of invitees, any specific wedding theme they have in mind, some compulsory wedding traditions, all such basics are discussed. If you are still wondering, how do I become a wedding planner, all I can say is, the most important skill to be a wedding planner is to have people skills. You would need various skills, such as the ability to stay calm in pressure situations, good organizational and planning capabilities, interpersonal and networking skills, communication and listening skills as well as ability to think creatively so that the wedding can be planned in the most aesthetic and appealing manner. The first step when you plan to start any career is to talk to people who are in the same profession. This will give you a rough idea about the whole career. Or you can work with a wedding planner who is already established or you can start your own firm. If you wish to get some hands on experience, before you set up your own firm, look for wedding planner jobs. Pick up a job in a small firm, to learn more and get real insight of what happens behind the scenes.