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i've been a bad blogger!

Oh my goodness. I had no idea it had been so long since my last post. Bad blogger!

I just thought I'd pop in today and show you some pages I've scrapped recently.

This one I did this afternoon while the babe was napping! I probably should have been cleaning or something, but I just felt like a scrap.

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Here's one I did with a really crazy mix of Sahlin Studio products. This is Scarlett when she was just a few weeks old and her cousin who is just 3 months older than Scarlett. They are besties already.

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Another page using Sahlin Studio products. This is the same cousin as in the layout above. These photos were taken the morning she was born.

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Wow - apparently I'm in a cousin scrapping mood. This page is Scarlett with her oldest cousin Eden. Remember when Eden was just a tiny baby!?! Now she's 4 years old and holding MY tiny baby!!

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Hope you've enjoyed these scraps!! Have an excellent evening.