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scarlett's birth announcement

My friends and family have all received their birth announcements in the mail (like 2 weeks ago) so I can finally post Scarlett's birth announcement here to show all my online friends without ruining the surprise.

Before you ask - NO! I did NOT Photoshop her into the tea cup!! So many people have asked that!! It's a real life giant tea cup. I found it at WalMart in the garden center back in February. It's actually a planter. You'll definitely see it in more pictures of Scarlett because I totally LOVE IT!

Anyway - we had to be very patient to get this shot of her. And let me tell you we really only ended up with ONE that was perfect! Whew. We took this just a few days after she came home from the hospital.

Isn't she just the cutest?! We sure love her lots.