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happy 1st anniversary to me!

It's my 1st Anniversary of BrittishDesigns.com!! I can't believe its been a whole year already! Wow. Time really does fly when you're having fun, doesn't it? But let the celebration begin!!

Yep! My entire shop is 30% off this weekend only (excludes the grab bag and bundles).

I have a very special, very magical, grab bag in the shop!

"It's a Magical Grab Bag"

The grab bag will only be available until Thursday Sept. 1st. So you make sure you grab it before then! After that the products will all go in the store at full price.

Now, I'm definitely giving away too much about what's in the grab bag by posting these layouts, but oh well!! Here's what I scrapped!

And check out what my fabulous Britt Girls created . . .

And speaking of Britt Girls . . . make sure to check back later this morning for an exciting announcement! (tee hee - I'm such a tease, huh?)

Until later today, have fun shopping!!!