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Romantic Wedding Ideas

A romantic wedding must be every bride’s dream, yet do you know how to do? I have some good ideas to share with you.

First, Wedding Color, pink, white and silver is the most common choice, also, some other color like dark red, light pink or rose pink will be great. Second, Rosy Champagne, Pink can be the main role for romantic ceremony, and get ready some pink food, such as hogget or salmon, it will be better if you could surprise the guests with rosy champagne. Candles. You can put the candles in a bottle to create a great décor, or for the outdoor wedding, wrapping some small candles with glass ball, all these can be great choice for romantic ceremony.Dining table. Prepare a warm colored table cloth and then put some delicate décor on the each napkin, and the last step is to get ready some pink flowers, such as rose, orchid and tulip.Special Memoir. Write your love romance on the cards and put them before the guests so as to share the romance with your friends and relatives.Guests Blessing. To make your big day more unforgettable, you can invite your guest to write blessing.